Flashbots MEV data is live on Dune!

We partnered with Flashbots to make MEV data accessible to the web3 community. Flashbots is the first third-party dataset we’ve released on Dune.

It has been a big few months for Dune. We’ve been building like crazy, and now we have an exciting announcement to make.

Flashbots data is now live on Dune!

We partnered with Flashbots to make MEV data accessible to the web3 community. Flashbots is the first third-party dataset we’ve released on Dune.

MEV is to crypto what high frequency trading is to legacy finance. It’s a measure of the profit that a miner or validator can make through their power to arbitrarily include, exclude, or reorder transactions in the blocks they produce. You can read more about it in this piece by Dragonfly.

MEV in its various forms can harm Ethereum users, which is where Flashbots comes in. Flashbots is a vital R&D organization with the goal of mitigating the huge risks posed by Miner Extractable Value (MEV) to smart-contract blockchains.

They’ve built several excellent tools to quantify MEV and work towards eliminating the information asymmetry and poor incentives in the space. You can read more about how Flashbots works here.

In traditional finance, comparable data is tightly controlled and protected, but no data stays buried for long in crypto. One of our software engineers who worked on the project, Dias Alymbekov, commented that:

“Similar data in traditional finance is gated. Flashbots make a step forward by democratizing access to this information and create equal opportunities for everybody. It's exciting to collaborate and make this data accessible to the crypto community”

We’re launching Flashbots data on our new data engine, which we previously used to launch Solana data. It’s going to be a game changer for Dune and crypto data as a whole.

Now anybody can run queries on Flashbots' entire historical database of arbitrages, liquidations, and sandwiches on Ethereum!

This is going to open up a wide range of new possibilities and opportunities for Dune Wizards. Enjoy. The data must flow……

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